Asian food is healthy and actually always delicious, think of lots of fresh fish, aromatic herbs and colorful food. It contains little fat and many vegetable nutrients. Asian cuisine is also popular with vegetarians because of the many vegetables and protein alternatives such as tofu and legumes.
Recipe Noodle Soup.
Asia is the largest continent in the world and I’ve only been to Thailand and Malaysia. There you can see and smell delicious food on every street corner. A typical Asian dish is noodle soup, richly filled and often spicy. My recipe for a delicious noodle soup is a mild variant (my youngest is not very fond of spicy food). Optionally you can add a fresh red pepper in this recipe if you like it spicy.
What do you need.
- 500g shrimp
- 300g spinach
- 400g mushrooms
- 250g Chinese egg noodles
- 125 gr bean sprouts
- 3 (chicken) bouillon cubes
- 1 spring onion
- 2 cloves garlic
- soy sauce
- piece of ginger (2 to 3 cm)
- fresh basil
- Bring 2 liters of water to the boil with 3 bouillon cubes and add 2 tablespoons soy sauce.
- Squeeze the garlic cloves, cut the spring onions and ginger into small pieces and fry briefly in olive oil and 1 tablespoon soy sauce.
- Slice the mushrooms and put it together with half the bean sprouts in the bouillon. Cook this for a moment and then add the shrimp.
- Add the spinach and some fresh basil in the other pan and stir until the spinach is shrunk.
- Add the noodles (egg noodles), they only need to cook for a short time.
- Then add all the ingredients from the other pan into the soup.
- As a final step, you can garnish the soup with some leftover bean sprouts, basil leaves and, if you like spicy, red pepper.
Enjoy your meal, XO.
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