A few months ago a quarantine seemed miles away, but unfortunately everyone is dealing with it now. Working at home, being a school teacher and everything around it starts to take its toll. It is time for our normal rhythm. Online shopping and snacking go hand in hand with quarantine life. After so many weeks at home, it might be a good idea to replace your unhealthy snacks with the healthier ones. Shopping online for nice summer dresses is a good idea, but since working from home and staying at home as much as possible is still advised, it is also ...
New Aviko Easy Veggies
Many people eat a piece of meat or fish every day, including in our family. Quite honestly, I often think it's de best part of my dinner, but it's also a habit to eat meat or fish every day. We know that a day without meat is good for your health, the climate and of course the animals. I will probably never become a vegetarian, the term flexitarian appeals to me more. Consciously omit the piece of meat or fish one or more days a week and put a vegetable menu on the table. I now know that a vegetarian meal can ...