How to Keep Your Skin Hydrated: A Complete Guide

Are you dealing with dry, dull skin? You might need some fresh hydration. Hydrated skin is key to looking healthy and beautiful. Achieving hydrated skin takes a bit more effort than just applying your nightly moisturizer. In fact, proper skin hydration usually begins on the inside. Getting beautiful, nourished skin doesn't need to be complicated. Follow these helpful and easy tips to learn how to keep your skin hydrated. Why Is Hydrated Skin Important? Hydrating your skin means increasing the amount of water content within it. Just like the rest of our bodies, our skin occasionally gets thirsty, as well. This helps skin achieve a ...

Well protected during winter with Louis Widmer

Your skin has to endure a lot in the winter months, dry lips, flakes, itching and dry hands. This is not only due to the cold outside, but also due to heating that comes on inside, which lowers the humidity and dries out your skin. It is important to give your skin a little more attention and to use the right skin care. That can be radiant, beautifully tinted and well protected during winter with Louis Widmer. Louis Widmer Winter is in full swing and it is high time to feed yourself extra and to make yourself resistant to the harmful influences. ...