Green tea

By Frieda Monday, January 12, 2015 0 , Permalink 0

Okay, okay, I admit, I’m a coffee addict, but in the evening on the couch with a cup of hot tea, I can certainly appreciate too. When I drink tea, I actually only drink green tea. Because I find it tasty but also because it’s healthy, but how healthy is green tea?

1. It’s a powerful antioxidant. Green tea contains many valuable antioxidants because there has occurred no oxidation in green tea. You can compare this oxidation process best with the browning (oxidation) of a half-eaten apple (as black tea is made). Antioxidants have a very beneficial effect on our health.

2. It burns fat. Green tea boosts metabolism. The faster your metabolism is, the more calories your body burns. Drinking green tea provides a light natural increasing of your body temperature. Because the body is trying to cool down, it has to burn extra calories to get this done.

3. It reduces stressL-Theanine is a special amino acid found almost exclusively in tea leaves. L-Theanine is known for its calming effect. It gives relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety.

4. It reduces high blood pressure. Green tea contains many Flavonoids, which are antioxidants, which ensure that the risk of high blood pressure greatly reduces. These antioxidants are very important in protecting the heart.

5. It protects the liver. Several clinical studies have shown that green tea can help the liver in the breakdown of nutrients. Alcohol makes heavy demands on the liver, by the consumption of green tea the liver doesn’t have to work so hard, which reduces the risk of liver problems

6. It boosts your immune systemGreen tea strengthens the immune system and makes you less sensitive to all kinds of viral and bacterial infections.

7. It keeps the mouth healthy. Green tea would prevent bad breath, but also prevent tooth decay and even mouth cancer.

Now there are many types of green tea, it does not really matter whether you take an expensive green tea at a specialist or green tea from the supermarket. Preferably I’ll take an organic green tea (without pesticides & insecticides). At the moment I’m a fan of organic tea by the brand Clipper, a British Fairtrade brand. The packings of Clipper tea are also very nice, but this aside.

My favorite flavors: Clipper tea Raspberry & Mint organic green tea and Lemon organic green tea.

Clipper tea Raspberry

Clipper Raspberry & Mint organic green tea

Clipper tea Lemon

Clipper Lemon organic green tea

More information about Clipper tea can be found on their site Clipper teas.

You knew this brand tea already? Let me know XO.


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